Sunday, March 30, 2008

Fisheye Test

Duration: 00:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-17 21:53:46

Opteka semi fisheye 0.42 macro lens fimed with a Canon GL2!!!


snowboardfrontfliper  2008-03-22 23:14:22

well this one is really bad, but another one i have works really good, it makes the camera be abel to so much more. like with out a fish eye you can only see a little but with a fish eye it is like what ever you can see it can, sorta like that! but you have to see the good fisheyes like the mk1 center optics
StreetGroms  2008-03-22 22:32:46

whats the point of fisheye lenses, someone helps i donts know
aabbggdd  2008-03-17 17:42:01

zoom in some so u just get four black corners, not a big black circle, it will make it look nicer
redsoxx31  2008-03-13 15:39:45

yeah its kinda hard to get off but it does work.
snowboardfrontfliper  2008-03-12 15:26:38

does that work, thanks!!! is it hard to unscrew the front?

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