Sunday, October 28, 2007

Tales of Worm Paranoia

Duration: 07:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-17 21:41:24
User: ylv678
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Directed by Eddie Fitzgerald


NerdyDonaldFan ::: Favorites
I love Eddie Fitzgerald. I especially love the worm's insane voice performance!
07-10-18 11:20:51
robertmotsamiller ::: Favorites
pure acid trip
07-10-16 00:56:31
jonnyveliky ::: Favorites
I'll check that out. It's always like me when I can remember by visionary aspect & never names. IDK why? But hey, thanks:)
07-09-15 00:46:07
gagbonkers ::: Favorites
its called malcom and melvin and babe he calls me. and those shorts r on utube
07-09-14 22:04:23
jonnyveliky ::: Favorites
Hitchcock music at best:)
07-09-13 04:49:17
jonnyveliky ::: Favorites
In the beginning shot when the human dude came out and headed for the car, he strikes me as if he'd look like Weird Al Yankovic from the ground view. Only, it's not the usual look, but ya know what I mean.
07-09-13 04:47:29
jonnyveliky ::: Favorites
"LOWLANDS!!!"...look liked he was mouthing it backwards for comic effect.
07-09-13 04:45:18
jonnyveliky ::: Favorites
Nopearooski, dude. I forgot the name of the title, yet I know someone will read this to fill it in anyway. But all I know detail-wise was that the last WPT was done by Ralph Bakshi, to whom inspired John K. for this clip, Ren & Stimpy, George Liquor, The Rippin' Friends, and whatever else there was. The day was Friday, November 28, 1997. Roughly the same time Beavis & Butt-Head were done. That's all I know.
07-09-13 04:43:48
gagbonkers ::: Favorites
hey there was ANOTHER short that some Insiretion to ren and stimpy. It was called Pizza boy in no tip. he was inspired by ren cuz at the end he went nuts cuz he didn't get paid
07-09-06 17:53:27
CultureShockwave ::: Favorites
What happened to animation? This is so smoothly animated.
07-09-06 02:50:42

Tnev - Learn

Duration: 04:06 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-05-28 00:02:51
User: tnev
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My awesome song about how asians suck at driving to the tune of "Burn" by Usher.


xinistri ::: Favorites
Seriously everytime I see a Honda on the highway switching lanes with no indicators, driving either 50 k's too slow or too fast, with no lights on or high beams on, beeping their horn. I think wow, I would bet anybody 1000$ that's an Asian, and seriously, it is. I am not racist, I'm just waiting to be proven wrong, keep driving like retards, cause you're going to make me money than a dick englargement store in Tokyo ^_^
07-10-19 09:33:20
xinistri ::: Favorites
Bullshit, that is why statistically almost every Asian country has a far higher road fatality percentage! LOL
07-10-19 09:28:39
h0mbre187 ::: Favorites
lol chingers getting angry think they should divert less time to computers and more time to driving training
07-10-09 10:16:47
adamkow3166 ::: Favorites
Asians are the closest thing to monkeys, still about 500 years before they truly walk up right like real humans, fuking monkey's. Slopy eye's no good for driving.
07-09-07 03:58:38
btabtabtabta ::: Favorites
The asian eyes are superior bro. I know asians are for sure the greatest race ever. White people are pretty smart, but asians are so much more advanced, if only you knew what you were saying. Asians are better at everything. By the way I am African American and I have a Gigantic penis. BOO
07-08-24 06:05:37
JamesLamon ::: Favorites
it is so true. Everytime I see them on the road I am like LOOK OUT! THAT ASIAN BITCH IS GONNA KIOLL HIMSELF AND OTHERS
07-07-07 11:53:47
tnev ::: Favorites
"piece of white ass piece of shit"..... are you... 7? how can you "see" that i'm a faggot with your slanted inferior eyes?
07-06-28 02:54:57
TSFP ::: Favorites
u piece of shit you obviously havent seen any videos. fucken white people dont no shit.
07-06-27 17:43:49
TSFP ::: Favorites
too late man im fucking up this white boy.
07-06-27 17:43:11
TSFP ::: Favorites
umm i can see your that a faggot. some asian dood probably stole your car now your bitching about it. piece of white ass piece of shit.
07-06-27 17:42:41

Guilty Gear X2 Combo vid.

Duration: 04:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-02-21 17:07:26
User: MSibug
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Another awesome Guilty Gear X2 Combo video. Hope you like it! =)


ewuCatalin ::: Favorites
cm1 dude u probably played it on ps .. cuz on pc is harder
07-10-21 15:56:37
Leprychaun ::: Favorites
pain for pleasure made by sum41
07-10-17 12:32:22
hellfire288 ::: Favorites
sum 41 - hell song is the second song
07-08-05 20:49:08
jamieIm562 ::: Favorites
Whats the name of the 1st song that plays?!?!?
07-07-20 00:39:31
madsurfeur ::: Favorites
07-07-04 20:15:16
yuritazave ::: Favorites
thank u very much freeman71386 :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD yeah sum 41 is great!!
07-07-01 17:00:14
freeman71386 ::: Favorites
sum41 - the hell song. One of their best song imo. check out 88 by sum41 also. another good song.
07-07-01 12:54:35
Nubdaman891 ::: Favorites
Plz some1 post the name of the songs plz plz :D!!
07-06-25 18:11:39
yuritazave ::: Favorites
this video is great... and the music too... can somebody tell me waht`s the name of the song that started at 1.02 minutes...thx
07-06-25 01:14:57
Chrisss46 ::: Favorites
Hi all.. can anyone write Artist and Tittle of all songs? :-) thx
07-06-24 08:55:53

NaruHina, SasuSaku and ShikaIno-They love rock n roll

Duration: 03:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-04 10:16:38
User: EBM16
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A tribute to my favourite couples in the Naruto series. The song is I love rock and roll, but I don't know who sings it, it's not Britney Spears. I wasn't gonna add ShikaIno cause of the few episodes I have where they show up, but I decided to add them cause I think sasukehottietotal would like it :P


GaL4GoD ::: Favorites
i love this video its reaaally good. do you have any other naruto amv's?
07-10-27 19:33:13
artgeek707 ::: Favorites
wrong Joan Jett sings the origiona;. Britney did an awful remake later
07-10-11 21:59:26
artgeek707 ::: Favorites
if it wasn't a ShikaIno vid then I'd give you fiv stars, but alas only four. Btw Joan Jett and the Blackhearts sing it. And yes Britney mutilated it
07-10-11 21:58:22
whiteangel35 ::: Favorites
thank you! vraiment génial ta vidéo!!!
07-08-31 03:37:07
SasukeRocksMySocks16 ::: Favorites
^_^ Awesome! Great couples, Great song, all-in-all great vid. 5/5 *faves*
07-08-27 20:37:19
Lee5435 ::: Favorites
Ist gut Video!
07-08-27 19:40:21
jnaruto123 ::: Favorites
:( someone please watch my video!
07-08-21 19:06:51
ScarletxKitsune ::: Favorites
No Britany Speares beats the original song. Nothin.
07-07-24 15:51:46
zekedd ::: Favorites
i have balls of steal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
07-07-15 14:16:44
Ino4ever14 ::: Favorites
the person who sings it is Joan Jett and i love these couples! nice video
07-07-05 16:50:06

This Is Bazy Beats

Duration: 08:48 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-07 20:20:46
User: bazybeats
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Just answering some questions that I get frequently in my comments and e-mail. Keep them coming...and stay watching the channel for more vids to come soon.


bazybeats ::: Favorites
yep...this is me. I am on Myspace too. BzB :-)
07-09-14 23:40:07
deltoao ::: Favorites
cool your the guy from myspace? i mean your the guy whos talking? cool XD
07-09-14 18:30:56
bazybeats ::: Favorites
Thanks viyor...BzB :-)
07-08-09 17:12:03
victorse0 ::: Favorites
Hey bzb i'm viyor, i only change my user name.. great vids you got here.. each of one, insipirational, helpful, cool :P great work keep it up
07-08-09 12:18:24
bazybeats ::: Favorites
I could try tulip but I cant guarantee that I will be able to see what I might need to see. BzB :-)
07-08-08 15:08:02
Tulip4312 ::: Favorites
hey bazy if i make a quick slid show of my acustic drum set can u see if there's anything wrong with it. It just doesnt sound right?
07-08-08 02:35:39
bazybeats ::: Favorites
Dollar for dollar I would still go with a Roland product over whatever else is out there in your price range. BzB :-)
07-06-13 14:26:12
pwner1337 ::: Favorites
yup, the only problem is - i dont have much money to spend and its my birthday present so i think the max price is 1000$ +.
07-06-13 12:54:06
bazybeats ::: Favorites
I frequently hear the names of all these Roland kits that are under 2,000. But I dont have any personal knowlege of any of them below the V-stage level. I can only tell you that I would bank my money on any Roland kit beating out all competitors in it's class for whatever value of money you are spending. BzB :-)
07-06-13 12:12:51
pwner1337 ::: Favorites
hey again bazy, I just want to hear your opinion about the Roland HD-1 kit because im looking for a cheap kit and cant really find any, but the HD-1 is pretty cheap. what do you think?
07-06-13 10:39:42

ROSE "Ciao Bella"

Duration: 03:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-02 12:22:33
User: Sourceetc1
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Video pour le nouveau single de Rose "Ciao Bella"


monreveenfr ::: Favorites
Tu manques a ma vie et oui, jamais je n'oublie... Jamais!!!
07-10-27 04:22:43
scarclaudia ::: Favorites
I love this song. it is so wonderful. and I lve this language. French , je táime. I was in Paris last year. What a wonderful city, only the beer is expensive... ciao bella
07-10-26 18:51:53
mancho76 ::: Favorites
ou alors c'est pour les deux mais je pense plus que c'est pour le grand pere quand on observe bien les paroles ;)
07-10-26 01:39:40
Kelso34 ::: Favorites
Ayant perdu mon grand père il y a 2 semaines cette chanson me touche encore beaucoup plus qu'avant :) Mais quelle voix magnifique et quelles paroles touchantes !!
07-10-21 18:10:29
Beachbabe993 ::: Favorites
I don't know very much french at all but my mom translated it for me and it's really sad but sounds beautiful and the video's really cool! :)
07-10-20 13:15:27
Sanjarin ::: Favorites
J'aime la video et la chanson. C'est unn de peu chansons qui me donne l'inspiration!!!!
07-10-15 11:32:35
nanaiis74 ::: Favorites
tres beau clip ^^ sympa les éffets speciaux
07-10-13 15:55:29
julie7496 ::: Favorites
Moi j'ai pas connu un de mes grand pere .. il est mort quand ma mere avait 12 ans 8-( et ma mere parlait allemand quand elle etait petite , et a appris le francais ( bon mtnt elle est parfaitement bilingue) mais sa mere ( donc ma grand mere ) ne parle que l'allemand et elle a fait l'erreur de ne pas m'apprendre l'allemand .. donc , je ne sais pas lui parler , ca fait horriblement mal au coeur ! 8-( .. enfin voila ! je suis desolee pour toi , je sais que ca doit pas etre facile ,bizouz !
07-10-13 13:39:02
tchip25 ::: Favorites
Le mien je ne l'ai pas connu.. Il est mort que j'avais 18mois..
07-10-12 16:02:55
cadchire ::: Favorites
bientot un an que le mien est parti, et c'est avec beaucoup d'émotion que j'écoute cette chanson, trés belles paroles . ..
07-10-12 15:48:41

rice krispies say the meanest things

Duration: 02:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-22 14:37:23
User: johnnyDoxophobic
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You know rice krispies talk to you... p.s shes not my grandma :]


bluhurrican ::: Favorites
Was that that guy from hollowen at the end?
07-09-03 08:43:25
cooldued799 ::: Favorites
this is so funny man awesome!!!!
07-08-21 04:14:51
BrittanyBurnoutLove ::: Favorites
that was amazing.
07-05-05 19:38:33
xchaoticxbeautx ::: Favorites
MY FAVORITEEEEE Hehehe. I love this. I love your randomness. I love the editing as well :D Your Grandma is hilarious.
07-02-24 03:47:58
StrawbeRRYxxIceCreaM ::: Favorites
johnny you look dead smexy in this video! hHHhahaha ! jk.
07-02-13 21:43:06
nanoman276 ::: Favorites
lol jhonny im really serious we have to make another video
07-02-10 04:02:35
plastic7perfection ::: Favorites
hmmmm rice crispies!! hahahahahahhahaaa. i love your grandma. can i have her?? <3333
07-02-01 02:26:52
strangeinfections ::: Favorites
omg the old lady is soo rad. and you have the CUTEST accent.
07-02-01 02:22:29
nanoman276 ::: Favorites
come over to daniels house so we can make another movie
07-01-28 04:33:29
martinikiss ::: Favorites
hahaha this is fucking great. ^_^ yeee, i'll sharee it with muh friends for you. <3
07-01-25 21:21:51


Duration: 03:27 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-10-19 12:45:18
User: bazibrush
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textfreak09 ::: Favorites
this is a good song!! it makes u in a like relax mode!!
07-10-26 20:00:42
Nickg175 ::: Favorites
love this song, jack johnson rocks
07-10-24 21:41:50
furi0usfungus ::: Favorites
the "Never Know Surfing" vid suits the song a lot better than this version.
07-10-22 17:33:04
BLaCkKsHeEp ::: Favorites
07-10-03 19:13:48
fiendin281 ::: Favorites
pics dont really go with the song but whatever...who's looking at the pics! lol
07-10-02 16:01:37
fiendin281 ::: Favorites
darn! =]
07-10-02 15:59:51
queenofnorway ::: Favorites
i love this song
07-09-30 19:22:24
Bloodhound805 ::: Favorites
the pics look all like the default wallpaper of windows xp xD
07-09-30 08:05:03
sprklproduktionz ::: Favorites
07-09-03 09:21:08
thienly ::: Favorites
07-08-29 04:30:59

Marchen Awakens Romance AMV

Duration: 02:40 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-04 12:20:14
User: umeba
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Song:GLORIOUS by Aiuchi Rina I hope you'll enjoy it.


tohycb ::: Favorites
This video is nicely done 5 stars =D , but i hope it could be longer though =(
07-10-20 02:12:49
BlenderPower ::: Favorites
07-09-08 21:49:37
umeba ::: Favorites
Thank you very much!!!!I really feel so happy!(^^)!
07-09-21 21:33:37
StriderShirukin ::: Favorites
nice ^^ just wish it was of higher resolution and longer
07-08-27 05:06:58
umeba ::: Favorites
Thanks for your comment!!I am so glad you like it(^^)/
07-09-08 18:47:15
KeKKaiShiGIrL ::: Favorites
You Do Great AMV..But Can't You Upload The Episodes Insted??
07-07-08 11:12:43
temarigenius ::: Favorites
51th amv? Anyways, its Really Cool! And nice song~ Keep up the awesome work!~ ^^
07-07-06 20:47:40
umeba ::: Favorites
Yes(^^♪and thanks for lots of comments(^^)v
07-07-08 18:10:29
summerfunny2401 ::: Favorites
07-07-05 15:06:08
umeba ::: Favorites
Thank you very much(^^♪
07-07-08 18:09:44

Brandon Hines

Duration: 04:37 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-11-08 23:15:51
User: Tendra
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Some random pics of Brandon Hines


Tendra ::: Favorites
why wouldn't i be...u asked a question and i answered
07-10-25 21:06:03
datgyallilnikz ::: Favorites
07-10-25 11:47:25
Tendra ::: Favorites
he's one in the making, his name is Brandon Hines and can SANG his butt off this is his screen name: dboyb313 go check out his other videos, that boi will have u wantin to jump thru the screen =) he's on myspace too :)
07-10-06 20:42:46
datgyallilnikz ::: Favorites
is he a celebrity well he is fiine
07-10-06 09:30:44
Tendra ::: Favorites
well when u learn how to spell i'll post ur comment until then BEAT IT!
07-09-10 20:58:22
thababygurl93 ::: Favorites
he fine as hell
07-07-13 03:47:19
Delicous15 ::: Favorites
dan that nigga is fuck n bom as hell
07-06-09 01:44:34
Delicous15 ::: Favorites
he's bom dont trip
07-06-09 01:27:04
crazygorgeus314 ::: Favorites
Damn he is sexy!!!
07-06-02 15:55:52
hotpink190 ::: Favorites
you are just to sexyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
07-06-01 18:24:43

Turkish Anti-Religion Caricatures (freedom of speech)

Duration: 02:43 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-07-28 20:30:00
User: darwin3000
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Not:Piyano olan karikatur bana ait degil. Digerleri benim.


freedom198 ::: Favorites
inancli insanlar bu dunyanin tadina varmazlar kendilerini ahiret icin hazirlarlar, dinimize inananlara saygi goster... ozde aynı gosursteyım ınsanın aklı dengesı yoq ıns. ahırette cekersın bunların sebelerını
07-10-27 14:00:22
atkestanesi ::: Favorites
ateizm ezik bir ideolojidir hele ki ne olduğunu bilmeden atlayanlar için daha da eziktir darwin3000 gibi olmaktansa kendimi vururum,allah kimseye akli problem vermesin!!!
07-10-26 19:34:23
patatesci00 ::: Favorites
bak darwin3000 bi video daha yapip ananin resmini koy ustune de 100-150 tane yarrak resimi altina da siken erkeklerden hatira yaz oldumu kocum .
07-10-26 06:04:28
SertRAKI ::: Favorites
atin - Hadi hadi hadi....Yallah !
07-10-25 19:59:11
Ozde85 ::: Favorites
inancli insanlar bu dunyanin tadina varmazlar kendilerini ahiret icin hazirlarlar, dinimize inananlara saygi goster...
07-10-25 18:13:26
atkestanesi ::: Favorites
anca küfür anca laf işte böle orospu çocuğusunuz siz bi de var ya oraya 27 yaşında yazmışın 27 yaşındaki adam böle küfür yemek için çabalamaz ama içinde motorluk varsa yapcak bişe yok kendine uygun iş bul derim ;)
07-10-25 13:51:12
SertRAKI ::: Favorites
Hoplatiyorum allahinizi, hoplatiyorum fethullahinizi, hoplatiyorum harun yahyanizi sikimin üzerinde su bayram sonrasi. Geciyorum irzina ben sizin hazreti muhammed denen sallalahü ve sellem olacak toplum düsmani köpegin, geciyorum irziniza tüm yobaz müslüman camiasinin. Kessin sesini esssek gibi aniran ezan sesi, yükselsin güclü Türkiyem siz amini esssek sikesi yobazlarin cesetlerinin üzerinde. Sikmisim osmanlinin halife sarigini, sikmisim kaypaklasip yan gelip yatan kanunisini.
07-10-24 09:11:15
mubteda ::: Favorites
bu videoyu beğendiyseniz videonun altındaki "flag" kısmına orda da "choose a reason" kısmından "hate speech" i seçip flag this video kısmına tıklayın..
07-10-24 08:55:17
TheCircassiaN ::: Favorites
bu videoyu hazırlayan gerizekalı,ortaçağda gerici kalmış olanlar Avrupalılardı beyinsiz daha bundan haberin yok,yazık la sana köpekkk :)
07-10-24 03:59:40
soldier18tr ::: Favorites
ALLAH belanizi versin baska diyecegim bir sey yok
07-10-23 14:23:06

Canibus - Psych Evaluation

Duration: 04:53 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-29 17:13:58
User: ricochetrabbit86
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A classic song that had to be on YouTube. Lyrics are included in every video I post.


mich1070 ::: Favorites
WoW this guy is a monster
07-10-24 16:29:29
jtram21 ::: Favorites
this track is fire thanks for the upload
07-10-20 21:59:21
trooperjoe73 ::: Favorites
Keep up the good work.
07-08-21 09:34:54
ricochetrabbit86 ::: Favorites
I got it. I made a couple of mistakes.
07-08-20 18:47:54
trooperjoe73 ::: Favorites
He clearly says "apes then". The thing is he runs both words together. But it clearly, at least to me, ends in a "n". I can understand how you might be hearing "stem". That, plus, consider "stem" a reference to a tree maybe, to explain the evolution, but I think he got it right, it's "then".
07-07-12 01:04:25
VanCityKyle ::: Favorites
man this is off the hook!!
07-07-09 04:36:15
Bloodsport1 ::: Favorites
Yo man post up Cemantics and Secrets of the Cosmonauts
07-06-08 13:32:56
bignamek ::: Favorites
Well, you also thought he says 'They say to Canibus' when he clearly states 'they ask Canibus.'
07-05-29 01:10:29
ricochetrabbit86 ::: Favorites
It difficult to get that last part right. I heard it a couple of time and it doesnt sound like hes saying 'product of the ape stem.'
07-05-29 00:24:41
bignamek ::: Favorites
I think the last line of the second verse is 'product of the ape stem.'
07-05-28 10:16:49

me and Esmee singing "what goes around" by Justin Timberlake

Duration: 02:28 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-05-30 16:53:36
User: PhillFlash
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ATTACH YOUR SINGING CLIPS AS VIDEO RESPONSES! IF YOU LIKE THIS VIDEO, PLEASE VOTE ON IT, THANKS! Hopefully you will all like this duet version... britney spears harry potter order phoenix transformers indiana jones spider man 3 asian Fantastic Four and the Silver Surfer The Simpsons Movie The Bourne Ultimatum Rush Hour 3 trailer video preview NASCAR Beyonce diehard die hard Carrie Underwood Lindsay Lohan mtv awards movie Evan Almighty prison jail mugshot


tanoshineko ::: Favorites
that was necessary!...or something-Mah
07-10-28 00:00:09
Shadpro ::: Favorites
I wont come around me! LMAO HERE HAHAHAHA
07-10-27 12:36:28
purebliss111 ::: Favorites
hahaha !!!!! check out my singing xxx
07-10-24 15:55:28
MartinRPGMaster ::: Favorites
07-10-23 19:11:19
Larspojken ::: Favorites
hahah :D
07-10-22 13:15:45
LulleSmuller ::: Favorites
Hahahaha U rock x'D
07-10-22 05:36:36
Girladhas ::: Favorites
07-10-21 12:52:09
louloute2998 ::: Favorites
ugh ugh
07-10-21 09:16:09
linda2011 ::: Favorites
she lacks the soul, he's cool!
07-10-21 06:56:15
lilosafari ::: Favorites
lol haha you should try the danceing ones lol that would be funny to...~!!!!~ ~skittles~
07-10-20 17:38:47